Ohana Champions!

Ohana Members Made it Rain (with Medals)!
The Ohana Paddle Club once again came, saw, and conquered at the 1st ever USA SUP National Championships in Long Beach. Shirley Heinemann stood on the top podium in in the Masters 200M Sprint and earned a 2nd place finish in the Masters 10K. Leeann Peterson paddled to a 3rd place finish in the Open 5K distance. Not to feel left out, Rob Heinemann scored a 2nd place podium place in the Golden Masters 5K.

Ohana coaches Jen Fuller and David Wells also added some hardware to their already full medal cabinets. Jen finished first in the Golden Masters 10K and second in the Golden Masters 200M Sprints. David Wells brought home two first place finishes: Masters 200M Sprints and 10K. Annie Myers also competed in the Golden Masters 10K, finishing just off the podium in 4th. Keep on paddling and you, too, can start your own SUP medal collection!

Ohana on the Water in the Fall

We encourage all Ohana members to get on the water as early and often as possible! Take advantage of good weather when you can, and endure the poorer weather 'cause you can. Practice your stroke technique, your pivot turn, your cross nose draw, and your small talk skills along with your fellow Ohana Club members. Or your other friends! Or your frenemies, for that matter! Just get on some form of water - remember, practice makes perfect (and gets you out of the house at least)!!  Those medals aren't going to win themselves -- just ask Shirley and Leeann!

 Rock Around the Dock
Mike got over COVID for this?? Those docks aren't going to build themselves! As you can see, new docks are coming to a marina near you. We'll keep an eye on the dock progress and soon we'll reminiscing about the good old dock days of yore...

Other Upcoming Events!

Land Based Strength and Mobility - Sun., December 10
Coach Fernando Morales, CSCS
Tennis Courts if clear; Courtyard if raining (by Mike's)
9:30am - 10:30am (Arrive 9:15am)
Please sign up on TeamSnap.