Witch better have my taco!

Witch Better Have My Taco!
So many witches! So many tacos! So many pictures! So much fun!!!

Despite a forecast calling for wind, all that the Witches on Water parade participants had to worry about was beautiful blue skies, calm waters, and keeping their witch hats on straight. A big group showed up for a wonderful paddle around Ballena island, making a few strategic stops for photo opportunities - for us and for adoring fans (there were many!). Residents along the channel ran back inside to get their cameras as we paddled by; given how many of us there were, they could have walked and still gotten plenty of pictures. Even boats sailing by jumped on the paparazzi bandwagon, including one that turned in front of a small group for a close up!

The canoe that hosted the Halloween music was the perfect accompaniment and no Witches on Water would be complete with this perfect soundtrack. No need to paddle in silence when you can shimmy along to the theme from Ghostbusters!

Werk It! Land Based Strength and Mobility on Sunday, Nov. 5
Back by popular demand, the Ohana Paddle Club is pleased to offer another strength and mobility session with certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) Fernando Morales. Meet up at the tennis courts for warm-up, mobility, and hopefully another hilarious and tiring circuit session, followed by an enjoyable cool down. This will take place rain or shine; if it is raining, the session will move to under the eaves in the courtyard. There is no escaping a fantastic workout!

Bring a yoga mat (or something similar), paddle, water, and a small snack to re-fuel post workout. Shoes are recommended. Come get your workout on! You know you have some tacos to work off!

Guests are welcome! Everyone who brings a guest will be entered into a raffle to win a super cool and secure waterproof phone case. Use Ohana’s Single Event Pass to Register: https://www.ohanapaddleclub.org/membership/single-event-guest-pass

Other Ohana FRL Events - Weekly Tuesday Evening Practices and Monthly Sunday Morning Practices. We have ONE last 2023 Sunday morning FRL coming up, led by Coach Mike on Nov. 18. See below for details.

Land Based Strength and Mobility - Sun., November 5th
Coach Fernando Morales, CSCS
Tennis Courts if clear; Courtyard if raining (by Mike's)
9:30am - 10:30am
Please sign up on TeamSnap.

Saturday FRL Practice - November 18th [LAST FRL Practice for 2023]
Mike's Dock
Coach Mike
9:30am - 11:30am (arrive 9:00am)
Please sign up on TeamSnap.